Follow the instructions here to get your website looking exactly like our demo!visit demo site here
Step #1: Install Theme
** IMPORTANT: if you purchased your theme at Creative Market, will not be included in your theme download. You will instead need to purchase Genesis at StudioPress. Please see Important-How-To-Purchase-Genesis.pdf in your theme download folder for more information.
In your WordPress admin area, go to Appearance >> Themes >> Add New. Upload, DO NOT activate it. Then, repeat this process and upload Activate Merriweather.
For extra help on this, watch this video:
Step #2: Install Plugins
At the top of the page, you will see a notification that says “This theme recommends the following plugins” with a list of plugin links:

To install plugins individually, click on the name of the plugin you want to install. Click the “install now” button and then activate that plugin.
To batch install plugins, click on the “Begin installing plugins” link. You will be brought to a page where you can select all plugins and begin installing them. After they have been installed, you will need to repeat the process and activate them all.
*Please note that the shop/ecommerce plugins are not included in this — please see the “Setting Up Shop” section for that information.
(Optional) Step #3: Install Demo Content
Installing the demo content may be helpful for you if you are starting your site entirely from scratch. Click here to learn how to install demo content