Table of Contents
- List of plugins used
- Color Scheme/Main Hex Codes
- Font List
- Uploading and installing theme
- Importing Demo Widgets
- Adding header
- Customize the Colors
- Navigation menus
- Homepage widgets
- Recent posts widget
- Adding social media icons – navigation bar
- Adding social media icons – home, sidebar, footer
- Adding in Subscription Box/Genesis eNews Extended
- Adding footer widgets
- Setting up the Portfolio
- Setting up the Shop
- Setting a page to display your blog posts
- Setting up the Pin-It Hover Button
- Setting up share icons at bottom of posts
- Better Font Awesome: for icons on homepage areas
- Genesis eNews Extended: for the subscribe areas
- Jetpack: for sharing icons at bottom of posts
- jQuery Pin It Button For Images: for the Pin-it hover button
- Portfolio Post Type: to support the portfolio
- Regenerate Thumbnails: if your images are looking wonky, you’ll need this
- Simple Social Icons: for all social media icons
- Soliloquy Lite: for the sliders on the homepage
Color Scheme Main Hex Codes
Headings: #545454
Light Purple: #ebe5e8
Darker Purple: #d4c8ce
Font List
You can download these fonts if you want to use them for other areas of your branding.
– Playfair Display
– Montserrat
Uploading & Installing the Theme
See our video on installing our WordPress themes.
Importing Demo Widgets
We’ve included an exported copy of our widgets (not content) to help get you started setting up your own site. To use:
- Install the Widget Importer & Exporter
- Go to Tools >> Widget Importer & Exporter
- Upload the .wie file (found in the demo-content folder of your theme files) in the “Import” section and click “Import”
- That’s it!
Adding the header in WordPress
Add your site title and tagline in WordPress by going to Settings >> General. For this theme, the site title is the top line, and the tagline is the bottom line.
UPLOAD YOUR OWN HEADER: Go to Appearance >> Header and upload your header. Your header should be 700 x 250 pixels before you upload.
Customize the Colors
Click on Appearance >> Customize and then click on Colors. Change the colors to your liking and save!
Navigation menus
Go to Appearance >> Menu. Create and save a menu with your desired links. For a video tutorial on adding in navigation menus, click here.
Primary navigation menu: This is the main navigation menu under the header area.
Secondary navigation menu: This is the navigation menu at the top of the page that shows up when you scroll down the page.
Homepage Widgets
This theme features a widgetized home page with six areas:
- Home Top
- Home Left, Home Center, and Home Right
- Home Featured
- HomeBottom Slider
- Home Bottom
Control what shows up here by going to Appearance >> Widgets and dragging and dropping widgets into these areas.
Recent Posts Widget – Sidebar or Footer
Use the Recent Posts widget in the sidebar or footer to highlight recent or featured posts. (To highlight featured posts, create a new category for your posts called “Featured” (to do this, just go to the Posts >> Categories page and add a new one) and mark each one you want to feature. Or, leave “all categories” selected to highlight all recent posts.) To add the widget in the sidebar, go to Appearance >> Widgets and add a Genesis – Featured Posts widget to the primary sidebar. Use these settings:
Adding in the Social Media Icons – Navigation Bar
First, download and install Simple Social Icons. To add, go to Appearance >> Widgets >> drag and drop a “Simple Social Icons” widget to the Nav Bar Social Icons widget area. No need to change the color or size–just enter in your desired social media URLs and save.
Adding in the Social Media Icons – Home, Sidebar or Footer
First, download and install Simple Social Icons. To add, go to Appearance >> Widgets >> drag and drop a “Simple Social Icons” widget to the Primary Sidebar widget area, one of the Home widget areas, or one of the Footer Widget areas. Change settings and enter in your URLs as necessary.
Genesis Enews (Subscription Box)
You can add in a subscription box in several different areas: the sidebar, widget above content widget area, after entry content area, or a footer widget. Do this by 1) installing Genesis eNews Extended plugin followed by 2) dragging and dropping a Genesis – eNews Extended widget into the widget area of your choice on the Appearance >> Widgets page. This tutorial covers how to set up your subscription box.
Adding in Footer Widgets
This theme features a 3-column footer widget area on the bottom. Control what shows up here by going to the Appearance >> Widgets page and dragging and dropping widgets into the Footer 1, Footer 2, and Footer 3 widget areas.
Setting up the Portfolio
First, you will need to install the Portfolio Post Type plugin and activate it. Once you’ve done that, you should see a “Portfolio” tab in the sidebar of your WordPress administration area. From here, you can add in your posts. I like to set up my categories first, and then you can add in posts and tag them in their specific category. The featured image that you set for each post is what displays on the portfolio category pages.
You can view your main portfolio at http://yoururl.com/portfolio/, and your category pages at http://yoururl.com/portfolio_category/your-category/
If you’re receiving a 404 error page when you view your portfolio, you might need to reset your Permalinks. To do this, go to Settings >> Permalinks and click “save” on the bottom, without making any changes.
To ensure your title displays on the portfolio page, go to your main category page and edit that category. Add your title where it says “Archive Headline”.
To watch a video tutorial on this set-up process, click here.
Setting a Page to Display your Blog Posts
If you’re using the front page layout but still want to have a page that displays recent blog entries, go to Pages >> Add New and create a new page called “Blog.” In the Page Attributes section, make sure “Blog” is selected under “Template.”
Setting up the Pin-It Hover Button
We’ve included a custom pin-it button with this theme. To set it up, you’ll need to install the jQuery Pin It Button For Images plugin. Once activated, click on Settings >> JQuery Pin It Button for Images and configure your settings. On the “Visual” tab, upload one of the pin-it buttons found in the /images folder of your theme download.
Setting up Share Icons at Bottom of Posts
You might have noticed the share icons that appear at the bottom of each post. To set this up, you’ll need to install the Jetpack plugin by going to Plugins >> Add New and searching “Jetpack.” The instructions will walk you through syncing Jetpack with your WordPress.com account (if you don’t have one, you can create one from free). Once you have it set up and synced, go to Settings >> Sharing and ensure your settings match the following:
Q. My images aren’t displaying properly/are the wrong sizes.
Please install Regenerate Thumbnails plugin and run through the images in questions to “reset” them.
Q. How do I change the favicon?
Find instructions on how to swap out the default Genesis favicon for your own right here.
Still need help? Contact us via our contact form for additional support. Please note that we are only able to provide support for getting your theme set up like our demo: if you need additional support for increased customization, we will need to charge accordingly for our time.